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Perception is Reality?

It’s a well worn phrase, but not always true, especially in music. And in creating pop music, there are few places where that’s more proven than in mixing. Just ask yourself: How many albums have you heard which sound really dreadful? You scratch your head and wonder how was it possible those mixes got approved. […]

On Becoming a Student

There are many things which characterize songwriters. Tenacity, a gift for observation and dialogue, a love of language, thick skin… However, I think the most common trait I’ve seen, at least among the best of them, is they’re students of the craft. They may write rock, country, pop, r&b – but you can bet they’re […]

The Artist’s Guide to Success in the Music Business

Hi, everyone! My name is Loren Weisman and I am going to be adding a monthly blog to OnstageSuccess.com. I am excited to be a part of this site and hope you will enjoy the blogs. I will be sending a mix of written and video blogs talking about aspects of the music industry with […]

Recording Tips from David Schober

Last winter I attended the New Music Seminar in LA. It was a great event. Extremely well run, lots of great speakers, and I learned a ton. I highly recommend it to anyone. One of the best things I saw was Tom Jackson working with a local band. I was stunned as I watched him […]

Your Story: A Powerful Way to Connect with Music Fans

It was 1994. The band I was in, called Roomful of Jimmys, had just started some intense sessions for our debut release. At the end of one long day of recording, our bass player, Jim Broyles, had to leave for a family commitment. But we still needed to record the drum track on a song […]

Twitter for Music – Ariel Hyatt Video

Ariel here! In my new book, Musician’s Roadmap to Facebook and Twitter, co-author Carla Lynne Hall and I explain how to use these two popular social media platforms in the most effective and beneficial ways. While Tom Jackson focuses on “hi-touch” techniques to help musicians perfect their live performances, I am teaching musicians “hi-tech” methods […]

“I’ve Tried EVERYthing” – No…You Haven’t

I had a conversation with a young girl who has done multiple showcases for record labels. (She is still trying to “win the lottery,” so to speak.) I met her last weekend when I taught at Berklee College of Music. Everyone was really nice at Berklee, the professors are very sharp – it was a […]

Your Mastermind Group: Key Component For Your Success

One key thing I have learned over the past few years of attending workshops and garnering techniques from some of the world’s most successful people is: Those people did not get there alone. Success takes support and I will show you how to create a support group that can help you stay on track and […]

Passion Meets Profit: How to Make Money with Your Music

There’s a lot of advice out there about how to succeed in music, follow your passion, do what you love and the money will follow, etc. In this video clip, I examine two common (but confusing) money-making ideas, dissect them, and reveal what I believe to be the truth about attaining financial success with your […]

7 Things I Hope for the New Music Industry in 2011

This feature article is dense with advice and action steps for you in 2011! I originally wrote for Hypebot.com, but as you know I’m all about action; I felt like a list without actionable steps for artists is well, just not my style. So, I added some action ideas to each of my 7 hopes […]