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Online/Skype/Zoom Sessions

We are excited to offer you discounted personal online performance sessions/consultations to help you (or you and your band/group) improve your “live” performances.  

This is the perfect time to get inspired again about your performances and to develop a fresh and captivating show.

Begin the process of developing your show via Skype, phone or online. 

We are offering hourly consultations with either Amy Wolter or Tom Jackson.


These Sessions can take you all the way from discovering the principles and reasoning behind Tom’s Method to working out a full-blown concert set that will capture & engage your audiences.

Tom or Amy can tailor the consultations to meet the current needs you have for your show.


I’m not always able to be with Tom in person.  Traveling, schedules, distance etc makes it hard to always work in the flesh.  But that doesn’t mean that Tom can’t work his genius and magic on my show.  I send Tom videos of me rehearsing remotely or videos of live shows, and we sit together on the phone and workshop ideas, changes, re-arrangements and visual ideas on how to take my show to that next level.  Honestly, if it wasn’t for Tom’s genius, I don’t believe I would have the following that I have.  He has helped me in more ways than I can even describe.  He has taught me what being a performer is really about and has helped me develop as a performer every single step of the way! …Zach Maxwell


You can use your sessions to work on one or more of these items or something else relevant to your show:

  • Video review: You can send in a video and have Tom or Amy give you ideas for all aspects of your show. (including ideas for movement, blocking, song placement, rearranging your songs for “live” to create moments. helping you with verbal skills – talking to an audience, how to be compelling visually and to keep an audience engaged.)  Use part of  the time for Tom or Amy to study your video and come up with ideas for you, and rest of time to get on Zoom or another platform and go over changes and ideas.

  • Tom or Amy can listen to your music and give you ideas to pull out “moments” within your songs and teaching you how to identify moments. This would include giving you ideas for song arrangements. (This is where it can make a BIG difference in your show.)

  • Working on your show for online streaming. (Creating an engaging show for this medium – Facebook, etc.)

  • You can work on your set list, implementing effective, intelligent and creative transitions to set up your songs, storytelling, developing moments, etc.

  • Perform your song(s) live and we will work with you in real time as we would in a one-on-one session.

  • You can ask questions about your show…ie:  ‘Why isn’t my set working or how do I make it work better? Where do I put an audience participation song and how do I get the crowd engaged? I did *this* and it didn’t work at the show…why not?’

  • Weaving your story into your show.

  • Help with developing a house concert.

  • Help in crafting YouTube videos.

The goal of the work is to build on concepts of performance that can be practiced and perfected in your own rehearsal time.

These concepts are developed over time. Tom or Amy will give you things to work on in your rehearsals and you can use subsequent sessions to tweak the changes or work on new material.

After you book your remote session/s you will be contacted by Amy, Tom or our office to set up a time that works for you.

Book a One Hour Remote Session with Amy Wolter   

Regular price $195.00Sale Price $175.00

Book multiple sessions with Amy (3 to 5 sessions) $160.00 per one hour session*

Book multiple sessions with Amy (6 or more sessions) $150.00 per one hour session*

Book a One Hour Remote Session with Tom Jackson 

Regular price $375.00Sale Price $275.00 

Book multiple sessions with Tom (3 to 5 sessions) $265.00 per one hour session*

Book multiple sessions with Tom (6 or more sessions) $250.00 per one hour session*

*For multiple sessions place the quantity you would like to book into the shopping cart and the new discounted price will automatically be applied.

After you book your remote session/s you will be contacted by Amy, Tom or our office to set up a time that works for you.

For more information call our office at 615-591-0910 or email us at info@tomjacksonproductions.com.