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Fighting Temptation: David Heringer Project “Turn it Up to 11” – Part 2

It’s another installment in the David Heringer Project: putting Tom’s Live Music Method to the test!

Last week I commended David for going against the norm and not being an artist who waits for an opportunity to arise before they call Tom. This week David talks about another “normal” thought process: the temptation to go back to doing it the way you’ve always done it. It’s a real temptation for many artists!

If you’ve watched any of Tom’s teaching, you probably know his favorite four-letter word… WORK. This video from David reveals the amount of WORK he knows he’ll need to do, the temptation he has to not put in the WORK, and the realization he comes to that it’s the WORK that will allow him to get the most creative with his live show:

As he dives into the next DVD on his road to the stage, David recognizes it won’t be an easy road. But he is ready to make the change, and ignore his urge to slide back into his previous habits.

All Roads DVD 2 “Turn it Up to 11” ventures into one of the most comprehensive parts of Tom’s Live Music Method: The Graph. Learning to rate your songs, creating moments, and beginning to find out how those moments come together to create your live show leaves David feeling a bit overwhelmed.

This left me with one big question: What do YOU do to keep YOURself motivated?

David reveals in this video that he’s using this process as a way to keep himself motivated. He knows that the old way wasn’t working, and doesn’t want to give himself an opportunity to “flake out” or quit! He’s doing what he must to create the show he envisioning.

Are you willing to do what it takes to, like Tom says, take your show from good to great? Are you comfortable knowing that it will take a lot of HARD WORK, but that the WORK will pay off? You don’t have to do it alone.

Over the last year, we have created a program of classes for artists to introduce them to Tom’s Live Music Methods: the concepts, techniques, and skills everyone should study before meeting with a Live Music Producer. From how you hold the microphone to designing a set list, and from learning to walk (really!) to finding your vision.

Coming in the next couple of weeks we’ll be releasing the Academy of Live Music Online Course – the perfect way to take a guided tour through the basics of Tom’s Live Music Method.

The Academy of Live Music Online Course can be taken in the comfort of your home, on your own time, featuring built in checkpoints with a certified Live Music Method Teacher. Your teacher will be there to answer questions, give advice and encourage your progress.

So stay tuned for more information about our soon to be released Online Course! In the meantime, fight the temptation to “do what you’ve always done” with your live show and Turn It Up to 11!

Tom Jackson

Tom is uniquely talented and skilled at transforming an artist's live show into a magical experience for the audience; helping artists at every level create a live show that is engaging and memorable, teaching them to exceed their audiences' expectations and to create fans for life. Tom has taught indie and major artists of every genre. He has worked with Taylor Swift, Le Crae, Home Free, The Tenors, Shawn Mendes, The Band Perry, Francesca Battistelli, Jars of Clay, & many more. Tom also teaches at colleges, conferences and events worldwide.

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Series - David Heringer Project

Greenroom Comments

  1. David Heringer says:

    Hey Piper! I just wanted to add that this dvd has made a huge change in how i look at my show, and really how im planning my musical future. After watching this i went from a plan of cramming all this together into a few months to realizing that doing this right for me meant I was going to need more like six months (FYI: this is with me doing all the writing, and creating the moments on my own. The time needed will depend on the band/individual situation) When I am having trouble fighting the urge to just throw something together so i can “play a show” again. I will go and listen to what ive been working on. Close my eyes and imagine and feel the moments ive been working towards. And then I know all the hard work and waiting will be worth it.

    • David – I’m so glad to hear that you are giving yourself the time you need! Stay focused and keep up all the hard work. All of us at Tom Jackson Productions are excited to see and hear about your progress.

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