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My Foreign Vacation in Louisville

I cross a lot of genres, and most artists I work with are in rock, country, pop, and CCM markets. But one market that has always intrigued me is Southern Gospel.

I just spent a couple of days in Louisville, Kentucky connecting with that market at the annual National Quartet Convention (NQC). There were 20,000 people there – close to 500 artists. I’ve never seen more tour buses in one place in my life! There were literally 100’s of them parked out back of the convention center.

It feels a bit foreign to me to go to NQC – I’m a bit of a rocker, you know. People there dress much nicer than me. Suits and ties, very conservative. But I love them just the same!

The trip even started out pretty strange, with the weirdest driving weather ever! It was sunny, then it poured down rain, then sunny again, then drizzly – nothing consistent all the way up there and back.

The artists at NQC are some of the best singers I’ve ever worked with. Jason Crabb, Karen Peck, the Martins. (I was excited to hear that the Martins are re-forming, by the way.) I saw The Pipers, Triple L Band, and many more.

Even more exciting is the likelihood that Tom Jackson Productions will soon be working closely with a lot of these Southern Gospel artists through a Christian artist and good friend of mine, Alison Durham Speer. I’m looking forward to bringing Alison onboard as a Live Music Producer who will teach my Live Music Methods to Southern Gospel artists.

It may seem like a foreign land when I’m with this great group of people at NQC, because I really am a lot different than they are. But they accept me the way I am – and I appreciate that!

Tom Jackson

Tom is uniquely talented and skilled at transforming an artist's live show into a magical experience for the audience; helping artists at every level create a live show that is engaging and memorable, teaching them to exceed their audiences' expectations and to create fans for life. Tom has taught indie and major artists of every genre. He has worked with Taylor Swift, Le Crae, Home Free, The Tenors, Shawn Mendes, The Band Perry, Francesca Battistelli, Jars of Clay, & many more. Tom also teaches at colleges, conferences and events worldwide.

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Greenroom Comments

  1. Exciting to see you involved with my favorite music. I look forward to reading and hearing tips that are specific to my field of music, even though I already learned much from the tips and DVDs of yours I already have.

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