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Who’s In Charge Here?

Recently I saw a hilarious cartoon picturing a singer/songwriter introducing his song to the audience: “This is a song about my lifelong struggle with tone-deafness and the inability to carry a tune or play an instrument.”

Probably not the best way to set yourself up as a confident performer!

You can be the best lead singer in town, but if you can’t take control and command the stage, you’re missing the mark. If you’re the type that says, “I‘ll just wing it,” that spells Epic Fail.

Let’s focus on verbal audience interaction right now. You need to learn how to lead your audience where you want them to go. I’ve seen too many front men and women lose control of their show because they weren’t in charge. I’ve been there myself and could have used coaching on this!

I saw a situation play out recently with someone who was asking the audience for ideas for a song he was going to write on the spot. Loved the idea! … Read More, Watch, Comment – Backstage Pass Required

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