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The ‘In-the-Moment’ Moments

Ok. You’ve worked on your set. You’ve worked on your show, your moments, your transitions, and all manner of details. You are now standing onstage, keeping an eye on the audience.

To one side of the stage you see some people doing a really cool dance move to the chorus of your song and you think, ‘I’d like the entire crowd to see this and learn it!’ Do you bring them onstage?

Second scenario. You’ve rehearsed your show a little, but there are some shaky places. A couple of the songs are new and you’re not totally confident about the lyrics. You have a few places in the set where you speak, but you’ve had to memorize what you’ll say to be totally comfortable.

During your live show you see someone in front singing the lyrics to a cover song you do. You wonder if they are good enough to sing it with you. Do you bring them onstage? … Read More, Watch, Comment – Backstage Pass Required

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