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The Thought Leaders and The Artists: Both Sides From Jay Frank, Ian Rogers, Marian Call & Zoe Keating

I am not on the bleeding edge of futurism, I’m not really an early adapter, and I do not believe the artists I serve need to be. I am here to help artists understand and define why these conversations need to be observed, simplify and explain what it all means, and hopefully point some of us towards the light of success.

As I write this I am on a train speeding away from Oslo headed to Iceland. I had an incredible experience here. I went dancing till 3 AM both nights with a new crew of Norwegian souls who were as warm and welcoming as any people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting and I was delighted to make their acquaintance.

While dancing, with a bunch of strangers in a bar at 2:30 AM, I was reminded it’s still music that bonds us all. And while I was hanging out with them I discovered that 100% of them use Spotify. It’s how it is here in Europe. I suspect that is how it will be in the US very soon.

I had a complete blast. I love traveling to places where lives for creatives is just that much easier. This is a place where artists actually get support to be artists.

If you have questions: There is someone to call and ask. There is a gov’t body that supports the arts and helps musicians realize their visions. They have to work here just like anyone else but here there is more opportunity. Oh yeah, and there is health insurance and affordable (read: Free) school to pursue your dreams without going a quarter of a million dollars in debt.

We just don’t have that in the United States. … Read More, Watch, Comment – Backstage Pass Required

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