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  • All Roads 3 - Get the Show On the Road - DVD

    Whether you are a weekend warrior, occasional performer, or touring artist, the reality is: YOU can be a successful performer today.




on orders of $99 or more!



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“I believe Tom may be one of the few people that can move the needle for artists during this crazy time in this ‘new’ music business. In other words – Hire him and watch your bottom line increase!” Ariel Hyatt, President, Ariel Publicity & Cyber PR

Three Sessions Include:

The Foundation

  • Understanding Your Audience

  • Love Your Audience

  • Get Yourself Prepared Emotionally

  • Overcoming Stage Fright

  • 97% of the Audience

Making a Living in Music

  • Discovering Your “IT,” Money and the 3 Industries

  • Communicating Your “IT,” Vision, Authority, Fundamentals, Ideas

  • Five Streams of Revenue

  • Charting Your Strategy and Vital Factors

  • Why Me, Why Now?


SecurityMetrics for PCI Compliance, QSA, IDS, Penetration Testing, Forensics, and Vulnerability Assessment