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Knowing a Little Science Can Help Your Appeal

I’m not a scientist. For that matter, I didn’t even enjoy science in school. So if you’re like me in that regard, just hang with me for a minute. Because this scientific study can make a huge impact on you getting sponsors for the charity you’re working with! There’s an area in your brain, the […]

Your Appeal When You Aren’t Playing Music

As an artist associated with a charity, you are typically going out to play a concert when you do your appeals. Whether it’s a full concert set, or even just a short 15-20 minute show, most of you wrap a song around your appeal. However, there are times when you have the opportunity to speak […]

Tom Answers Your Questions: Tour Support Training

You probably have questions about the Tour Support Program, your appeal, and more. I want to answer them! Because if I can help you with what you do for your charity, you’ll get better response from your audiences, and (bottom line) more children will be sponsored. To get the ball rolling, I had a few […]

Working the Table: Tour Support Training

You’ve signed up with a charity… you’ve got your appeal worked out from the stage… maybe you’ve even added some of the media and other ideas Tom has given in these videos so far… But it really doesn’t mean much unless you know how to work your table! After all, that’s where all those people […]

Connecting the Audience with a Child: Tour Support Training

Throughout this Training series, Tom Jackson refers to several ways or places you can get your audience to sponsor a child. The first three places are your appeal from the stage, the table where the picture folders are set up, and using media in your presentation. Now it’s time to talk about a fourth way […]

Media & Your Appeal: Tour Support Training

Using media can be an important part of your onstage appeal. You’ve heard the expression “a picture is worth 1,000 words” – well, media can be just the supportive picture your audience needs to understand exactly what you are talking about and why they should sponsor a child. There are 4 ways to use media […]

Your Appeal from the Stage Video: Tour Support Training

Who… why… how… where… Tom calls these the basic 4 when it comes to making your appeal for a charity. The audience needs to understand who it is you are talking about. What charity? What do they do? Can we trust them? They need to feel an emotional connection to a child so they know […]

Let’s Get Started Video: Tour Support Training

You’ve just signed up to partner with a charity – the organization is one you feel passionate about, and you’re ready to start telling your audience about them. You’re ready to get those kids sponsored! But before you can do that, you need materials to put on your table, you should be familiar with picture […]

Welcome to Tour Support Video

“No man has learned to live until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity. In order to live creatively and meaningfully our self-concern must be wedded to other concerns.” — Martin Luther King, Jr. Welcome to our Tour Support Program! (Or if you happen […]