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Winning the Crowd – What YOU can learn from Nashville’s Honky Tonks

Nashville is unique in many ways and is home to many types of venues, artists and genres. We have larger concert venues for international touring artists, smaller rooms showcasing both signed and indie artists, smaller ‘listening’ rooms that cater to songwriters, and everything in-between.  Then, there’s a six block area – downtown on Broadway and up […]

Making Peace with the Headset Mic

Yeah, yeah, yeah….we know what you’re thinking.  I can hear you screaming now, “Using a headset mic will make me look like Britney or Garth or Justin!  I’m not THAT kind of artist”.   Well, we doubt if you’re making the same judgement when you see someone playing a certain kind of guitar…ie: “Oh, she’s […]

You Can Go from Good to Great!

One of the “7 Deadly Sins of an Artist” I talk about is “being good.” Doesn’t sound like a bad thing, does it? But trust me, being good…is bad! There are a lot of artists out there that are good. Often, they don’t know they need help – they know they’re good. And when I […]

Unleashing Your Lead Player (Help, I’m Strapped Part II)

In my previous blog geared toward guitar players, I wrote about what you can do to be more interesting on stage.  I covered some excuses you may have for not moving, then gave you some solutions for that, plus gave you some basics in regards to movement.  Check out the article here. Here in Part […]

Help, I’m Strapped! [Setting Guitar Players Free]

I want to talk to you guitar players out there who are in a band, but not singing lead.  You might be wondering what YOU’RE supposed to do to be interesting onstage. [Part 2 will focus on some additional things more applicable to lead players.] We’ve found that a typical rehearsal involving guitar players usually […]

Trent Harmon: American Idol Winner / Live Music Makeover

It’s been a year since the last CD Baby’s DIY Musician Conference event.  Last year I had the pleasure of conducting a Live Music Makeover workshop with American Idol winner, Trent Harmon and his band, along with my associate Live Music Producer, Amy Wolter. I’m very excited to be conducting two workshops again this year!  […]

Three Ps = A Great Live Show

In watching and working with artists over the years, I’ve learned a lot – and unlearned what I thought I knew.  I think most people would assume it’s talent that leads to success.  And they would be partly right. In some cases, talent alone can get you ‘discovered’, signed, famous…but if that’s ALL there is, […]

Artists, You Can Do This!

I’ve noticed in working with so many artists, the contrast in different types of personalities, talent levels, and learning styles.  I worked with a player recently who before even trying an idea, said in so many words, ‘that’s just not done in this genre’.  Says who??  (You know that just makes me want to try […]

Can’t Download This! The Live Connection…

 Performing artists still have it…that one thing. Something a CD can’t contain, it can’t be duplicated, digitized or downloaded, and you can only get it if you’re in the same room. It’s that personal connection with your fans. The Booming Concert Industry A couple years back, while on a long flight, I read an article […]

Sitting Down on the Job – (Becoming Stool Savvy)

If you’re doing 45+ minute sets, where people come to listen to your music, you need to consider using a stool for a song or two.  Maybe I SHOULD say instead, you should be doing a couple of songs in the 1-2 range.  These are “more emotional”, “you can hear a pin drop” songs.  (See the section […]