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Mistaking “Winging It” for Spontaneity

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Mistakes Most Artists Make

There’s a big mistake that most artists make. I constantly run across this attitude all the time: “Dude, I’ve got to be spontaneous… I can’t rehearse my performance!” Oftentimes my reply to them is “Awesome! If you re-e-e-ally want to be spontaneous, then why don’t you make up the song right in front of the […]

Thinking Rehearsal is Over Before it’s Really Over!

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Mistakes Most Artists Make

I’m often asked what I think the most common mistakes are that artists make in regard to their live show. I wrote about a common mistake last week, which had to do with misunderstanding what spontaneity is. And if Mistaking “Winging It” for Spontaneity is the first mistake musicians make, then the next big mistake […]

Is it Live or Is it Radio?

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Mistakes Most Artists Make

I doubt that any of you would mistakenly go to a movie theater thinking you were going to see a 30-minute sitcom. You go to the theater expecting something quite different than what you see on prime time TV! Many of you have heard me talk about the qualities of a sitcom for TV: 22 […]