Blog Updates

Bailing Out

No, not talking about bailing you out of jail, or...

Can’t Download This! The Live Connection…

Amy Wolter teaching at a Tom...

Give Your Audience What They Came For

I want to give my audience what they came for!...

Choosing the Right Cover Tunes

We receive lots of questions about doing cover tunes.  Since...

Would You Like Fries With That?

I really want you all to succeed!  I want to...

Taking Control of the Stage – Beginning with Confidence

This year I’ve been traveling all across the US and...

Onstage Challenges for Singer/Songwriters

Singer/songwriters have their own set of challenges when it comes...

Finding Your Magic Onstage

Before I was a Live Music Producer, I worked in...

Talladega Nights and the Problem With Hands

There’s a scene in Talladega Nights: the Ballad of Ricky...

5 Places to Talk in Your Show: Stage Banter

Working on the music, the visual, and most of the...