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Archives for May 2012

The Opening Act

Ah yes. You’re opening the show. First up. The warm-up for the “real thing.” The audience is thinking they might as well show up late and spare themselves the second-rate talent. After all, an opener can’t be any good, can they? The only reason people are here this early is to get a good seat… […]

Is One of These Myths Killing Your Career?

“In the end it still comes down to dumb luck – having the right product in the right place at the right time with the right people there to hear and see it.” I find this quote from a popular musician’s forum fascinating. In one sentence, the writer has captured the paralyzing attitude of most […]

Too Good for This?

I just finished two days of work with a band in Baltimore. They are great musicians and have always been told this. Typically musicians of this caliber would say, “We’re good enough, we don’t need any of that Tom Jackson stuff!” To their credit, someone in the band knew their show was still lacking, and […]

Stellar Corpses Music Makeover Part 5 Video

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Stellar Corpses Music Makeover

This video will give you a good idea of what it takes to rehearse correctly so that you can be spontaneous onstage! Learn how to work through the basics of leading audience participation so that you get maximum response from your audience. And see the difference “leaving space” makes in establishing authority. Watch Tom in […]

What Seth Godin Can Teach the Music Industry

There’s a fierce rule I live by that keeps me safe in the music business – it’s simple: Never meet your idols. I still stand by that … except today I’m changing this to: Never meet your idols…unless your idol is Seth Godin. I feel more inspired, calm and clear than I have in a […]