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New Resource for Christian Indie Artists

Congratulations on the launch of the new CCM Indie website!

A subsidiary of CCM Magazine and Salem Publishing, CCM Indie is designed to be a one stop resource for independent Christian artists and the creative community that supports them. CCM Indie offers information and contacts on everything from performance skills to business smarts and marketing tips to encouraging words through tough times.

CCM Indie’s monthly newsletter will always feature three areas of focus for enhancement: music, business, faith.

Tom Jackson is glad to have been asked to contribute monthly blog features to help Christian Indie artists get some answers about their live show.

For more information and to sign up for their newsletter, visit CCM Indie today.

Tom Jackson

Tom is uniquely talented and skilled at transforming an artist's live show into a magical experience for the audience; helping artists at every level create a live show that is engaging and memorable, teaching them to exceed their audiences' expectations and to create fans for life. Tom has taught indie and major artists of every genre. He has worked with Taylor Swift, Le Crae, Home Free, The Tenors, Shawn Mendes, The Band Perry, Francesca Battistelli, Jars of Clay, & many more. Tom also teaches at colleges, conferences and events worldwide.

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